One Step
Check out oneStep’s simple and easy to use essentials, carefully sourced to eco your life. OneStep products are just what you need in your bathroom, in your kitchen, on the go or to clean your home the natural way.
oneStep everyday eco essentials are no fuss no harm. We have picked for you the greenest, most efficient and locally available solutions to help you reduce your carbon footprint, one step at a time.
oneStep was born from the belief that it doesn’t take a sea change to achieve results and that, one step at a time, we can and will save our planet. oneStep believes in the superpower each one of us has in pushing positive change simply by consuming less, more carefully, and sharing what we learn.
behind oneStep …
… is Gwen with the support of her infinitely patient family: Rob, Amy, Laura, Louis, and Kris, who have listened, hinted, tested, created, said yes, no, maybe, absolutely, surely not, time for a break! And many friends, too, who encourage, make suggestions and occasionally even wear the green apron. Gwen, as a girl, was more eco than most, her father worked for the French National Energy Saving Agency, and did she know it!: short showers are better than baths // it’s not cold … just put a jumper on! // melon season starts next week, yay! …. Her sister Domi knew it too, so much so that she went on to create a blog,, talking passionately about all the little things we can change in our daily lives to slow, or even reverse, the damage we now know we have caused. Gwen’s attempts to follow Domi’s blog from London were not made easy by the very few eco alternatives out here … and then oneStep came along!